Sharp your test automation skills is a handy place for QA engineers to focus their test automation frameworks on specific parts instead of the entire web application.

Mini Web Apps

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Mini Web Apps

Each mini-app presents a unique test automation challenge

Dynamic Table

Find the Spider-Man in a table that changes the order of rows and assert his real name

#html #tailwind #vanilla-javascript

Verify Your Account

Enter valid code by pressing the key-up button or typing number and assert success message

#html #vanilla-css #vanilla-javascript

Tags Input Box

Add and remove tags and assert tag's presence and count

#html #vanilla-css #vanilla-javascript

Multi Level Dropdown

Navigate into the sub-menus and assert menu items text and link

#react #vanilla-css

Sortable List

Drag and drop list items to make the correct order and then click on the button and assert that all have green text

#html #vanilla-css #vanilla-javascript

New Tab

Open new tab by clicking on the button and assert text on the opened new page

#html #vanilla-css #vanilla-javascript

Pop-Up Window

Open pop-up and click on the button in it and assert text on the main window

#html #vanilla-css #vanilla-javascript

Nested Iframe

Click on the button in the iframe that is in another iframe and assert a success message

#html #vanilla-css #vanilla-javascript

Shadow DOM

Click on the button and assert that progress is on the 95 percent

#html #vanilla-css #vanilla-javascript

Stars Rating Widget

Set each available rate value and assert by image, text, and number

#html #vanilla-css #vanilla-javascript

Covered Elements

Click on the hidden button and assert hidden message

#html #vanilla-css #vanilla-javascript

Upload File

Upload an image file and assert the file's name

#html #vanilla-css #vanilla-javascript

Download File

Download a file and assert the file's name and size

#html #vanilla-css #vanilla-javascript

Onboarding Modal Popup

Close the modal popup if displayed and assert the message

#html #vanilla-css #vanilla-javascript

Budget Tracker

Add, modify and remove income and expense records and assert their appearance, persistence, and the total amount

#html #vanilla-css #vanilla-javascript

Right-Click Context Menu

Click on each menu and sub-menu item and assert the message

#html #vanilla-css #vanilla-javascript

Mouse Hover

Put mouse pointer on an image and assert movie price

#html #vanilla-css #vanilla-javascript


Set browser geolocation to longitude: -122.03118 and latitude: 37.33182 and assert Cupertino

#html #vanilla-css #vanilla-javascript

Navigation Menu

Open each link in a new window and assert the page's content

#html #vanilla-css #vanilla-javascript

Redirect Chain

Click on the button and assert each redirected page

#html #vanilla-css #vanilla-javascript

Fetching Data

Wait until API data is fetched and then assert loaded posts

#html #vanilla-css #vanilla-javascript

QR Code Generator

Create a QR code from some text and visually assert generated image

#html #vanilla-css #vanilla-javascript

Changeable Iframe

Assert that 53 seconds remain until the end of the countdown and a message that the journey is over

#html #vanilla-css #vanilla-javascript

Rating Range Slider

Set slider value to 50 and submit feedback by clicking on the button

#html #vanilla-css #vanilla-javascript